Core Banking System (CBS)

Virmati’s CBS is compatible and commercially available on Industry Standard Databases viz. Microsoft SQL Server 2017/2019/2022, Oracle 12c, 19c, PostgreSQL
The most unique advantage is
- Automates all retail & corporate banking processes with best of breed functional modules and a full complement of state-of-art features.
- Work on maker-checker and single window concept.
- Is easiest to handle, highly parameterized and most flexible software.
It is suitable for all type of banks like…
Government Bank, Private Bank, Commercial Bank, Investment Bank, Community Bank, Service Bank, Central Bank of a Country, Islamic Bank.
In India banks like…
Co-operative Bank, District Bank, Gramin Banks (RRB) and Credit Societies.
Islamic Banking
The Islamic bank is a mix of commercial bank and investment bank. The banking operations are highly compatible with Islamic norms i.e. Shari`a. Islamic banks operate on the basis of profit and not on paying and receiving interest.
Application Features:
- Multi Currency Software
- Profit sharing purely parameterized
- Advance calculations and post calculations available for various schemes.
- Flat based interest calculation with reducing Equated Monthly Installment setup and Profit sharing facility.
Central Bank Banking
We have experience of working with Central Bank of a Country i.e Central Bank of Afghanistan (DAB).